Radically Transforming Parents for Impact


You did it! You finished another school year!

Let’s take stock. How are you doing?

Going into the summer what are your hopes?

If you are like me, one of your big summer goals is to connect with your kids and get vacation time in together.

As parents, we want to recreate the closeness with our teens that we had when it was as simple as sitting down to watch Curious George with our two year olds.

What if parenting didn’t have to feel so much like…. well, parenting. What if this summer, parenting was more life-giving and less overwhelming.

For five weeks, Ravi will be hosting an interactive teaching course to help us parents connect to our children and gain practical tools for raising happy, resilient kids. Oh, and enjoying the process at the same time.

Join us and you will:

  • Bring healing to your own childhood memories.
  • Understand how you and your children are uniquely wired.
  • Gain practical tools for building trust and connecting with children of all ages. (Yes, even adult children.)
  • Understand and receive healing for your own childhood triggers.
  • Have prayer support from the Kingdom Foundations team of intercessors.

Each interactive session will include teaching and tips for identifying and interacting with each of the four personas: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers.

Following each persona teaching, Ravi will be answering questions and coaching families through real time situations.

We understand that evenings can be a busy time for families so feel free to attend the course live when you can. Watch the replays when you cannot.

Here is a short message from Ravi about the course

Rt4 parenting brings healing to your own heart as well learning how to have more meaningful interactions with your own children (no matter what age they are).

We are offering this 5 week interactive course for only $60!

Live Classes: May 27 -June 24, Thursdays 7:00 PM Eastern

I look forward to seeing you there.

Jessica Roy

Kingdom Foundations

House of Healing Director

Upcoming Event: Parenting with Purpose Conference. Join us in person or online this weekend in Minnesota. This event is FREE.


Kingdom Foundations

Ravi Kandal Ravi has been uniquely gifted to hear the audible voice of God. This incredible gift has allowed Ravi to make remarkable impacts worldwide, bridging gaps between different spheres of influence, from witch doctors to world leaders. Through his journey of obedience, Ravi has been blessed with opportunities to not only meet the physical needs of the broken and needy, but also to impart healing, hope, and destiny to people around the world. During a time of personal turmoil, Ravi received a message of Radical Transformation. Through extended seasons of encountering God, he not only found personal restoration, but also gained a profound understanding of how hurt is formed in individuals. With this understanding, Ravi learned how healing can be released to a person's behaviors, emotions, memories, and spiritual authority. Many have gone through this process and have stepped into incredible breakthrough, to never go back.

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