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Hello Reader,

I'm going to let you in on something that will catapult your relationships. Are you ready for it?

Rejection is the reason for many life failures, whether it be marriage, moral or even decisions in the little things.

You see, if we allow it, past rejection can destroy our hope and success in life. Usually, rejection comes into our lives in two different ways: parental pressure and trauma of mishaps.

Here is the good news. A mindset of rejection can be dismantled.

Here are the three stages to dismantle rejection:

1.) Identify Rejection: Am I experiencing the fall out of past rejections in my present emotions?

2.) Partner with Purpose: Do I want to be coached by someone who believes in me?

3.) Retrain for Healthy Habits: Setting up life systems to foster healthy decisions and enjoy gratitude

I believe in the finished work of Jesus Christ to relieve you from the burden of rejection and He has given me ways to help you establish habits that will open you up to joy abundant.

Check out the 12 questions I have in this email and take them before the Lord. If you identify rejection as a hinderance to your joy, I can help you with stages two and three in group coaching.

I believe in this revelation for the healing and restoration of your relationships. Come join me in Relationship Intelligence Group Coaching to experience this healing and restoration.

The program starts next Thursday Jan 21 and runs until March 18, 2021.

(Sessions will be Thursday evenings and available for replay)

The breakthrough you need is available here.

Remembering His Promises,

Ravi Kandal

12 Engagement Questions for Identifying Rejection

Take these questions before Jesus in prayer and see what He reveals.

1. Would rejection be the reason for my unhealthy emotions such as anger, being sad, anxious?

2. Would rejection be the reason I am not connecting to healthy relationships?

3. Would rejection be the reason I am prone to feel criticized?

4. Would rejection be the reason my marriage feels like a burden?

5. Would it be the reason I feel a lack of purpose or meaning in my life?

6. Would rejection be the reason I feel like no one is interested in me during social gatherings?

7. Would it be the reason I avoid conflict even to my own harm?

8. Would feelings of past rejection be the reason I pass on trying new business opportunities when failure is a possibility?

9. Would it be the reason I am quick to be sensitive?

10. Would rejection be the reason I’m driven to perfectionism?

11. Would it be the reason I feel shame for not having control over my feelings?

12. Would it be the reason I constantly avoid meeting new people?

If you just identified rejection as a hinderance in your own life, I can help you with stages two and three.

Kingdom Foundations

Ravi Kandal Ravi has been uniquely gifted to hear the audible voice of God. This incredible gift has allowed Ravi to make remarkable impacts worldwide, bridging gaps between different spheres of influence, from witch doctors to world leaders. Through his journey of obedience, Ravi has been blessed with opportunities to not only meet the physical needs of the broken and needy, but also to impart healing, hope, and destiny to people around the world. During a time of personal turmoil, Ravi received a message of Radical Transformation. Through extended seasons of encountering God, he not only found personal restoration, but also gained a profound understanding of how hurt is formed in individuals. With this understanding, Ravi learned how healing can be released to a person's behaviors, emotions, memories, and spiritual authority. Many have gone through this process and have stepped into incredible breakthrough, to never go back.

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